May 2020
The story behind the shooting:
During the pandemic, photographers have come up with creative ways to capture the impact of COVID-19 on people's lives. One such project involves taking portraits of individuals wearing face masks painted with the flags of different countries. The use of flags is meant to represent the global nature of the pandemic and how it has affected people from all walks of life and all corners of the globe.
The portraits show a diverse group of individuals, each with their own unique story and experience of the pandemic. Some are healthcare workers, others are essential workers, and still others are simply individuals trying to navigate the challenges of the pandemic. By wearing a mask with their flag painted on it, they are sending a message about solidarity and the need for all nations to work together to overcome this crisis.
The photography project is a powerful reminder of the impact of COVID-19 on individuals and communities. It also highlights the importance of coming together and working towards a common goal. Despite the challenges we face, we can find strength in each other and in our collective humanity.
Photographed by: Fred Wong @ftk_dh (Instagram)
It’s been said that a person’s true character is revealed in a crisis – and if the coronavirus pandemic has taught us anything so far, the same can be said for a country.