December 2022
Lizzy Wang
Lizzy is the most popular female DJ in China. She’s the first Chinese DJ signed to #1 agent Supermodified, and the first female Chinese DJ ever played on Ultra Music Festival.
Lizzy started her DJ career in 2016, and quickly took over the asian market since her first spin in Shanghai, establishing an international reputation in some of the most famous clubs in Asia and all around the world,
Lizzy’s unique production skills gained her reputation in many different cities all over the world, her new Songs ‘Kill the Vampire’ and ‘Kombat’ were featured on front page of PYRO since its first date releasing and was ranked #11 and #23 in PYRO.
Lizzy has played at various music festivals all over Asia, including Madhouse, Trojan, GSE Festival, and Electronic Nuts. Lizzy is also invited to spin at first Ultra Music Festival in China, She is the first female DJ spinning in UMF from China.
Lizzy was also invited to open for various Top DJs, including Quintino, KSHMR,GTA, 4B, Oliver Heldens, Saymyname, Don Diablo, Steve Aoki, Frontliner, Dannic, Headhunter, GARMIANI, etc.